Sacral Response Formula

For Generators:

The purpose of this form is to create your own personal sacral response formula based on all of the activations that have a direct connection with your Sacral.  This is to give a more holistic picture of what the sacral would say "yes" to, if one was correct according to design.  After reading "The Way of the Generator" multiple times, and seeing posts in groups about the extended inputs that could have affect on sacral responses, I wanted to create something that would generate the text to describe the total picture simply by choosing all the channels and hanging gates involved - and then share it with others to make it easy for them as well.  

If you've listened to the Ra audio on this, saw the video illustration post on Facebook by Dave Myers to supplement it, or have read other posts that describe this from different perspectives, you will know that this contemplation of sacral response includes not only the gates of the Sacral and their "respondability", but the defined channels from the Sacral to other centers, as well as any other defined channels or hanging gates that directly connect through to the Sacral.   

The descriptions used for the gates and channels in the formula were pulled from various sources.  You are not limited to the descriptions used...they are one example.


Instructions: (begin with your Sacral Center itself and then work your way outwards - depending on your direct connections)

Starting with channels, select the channels you have in your bodygraph that are connected from your Sacral to another center, and those that connect other centers as long as they have a direct line of access to your Sacral from the options provided (do not select a channel if it is not in your bodygraph) in the Channels section.  Then, select the hanging gates you have in your bodygraph that are in your Sacral, as well as any other hanging gates that have a direct line of access to your Sacral from the options provided (do not select a hanging gate if it is not in your bodygraph) in the Gates section.  As you provide your selections, the Sacral Response Formula paragraph at the bottom will auto-populate with your formula based on your selections.  

NOTE: If you select a channel, then do NOT select either of it's gates as hanging gates (i.e. if you select the channel 6-59 because you have that channel in your bodygraph, then do NOT select 6 nor 59 as hanging gates as well), as it will incorrectly skew your resulting formula at the bottom.

There are also buttons below the gates that will allow you to Clear Form (removes ALL checks in boxes), or Copy Sacral Response Formula to your clipboard so that you can paste it somewhere else if you want to save it.



I am a Pure Generator, and in my Sacral, I have channels 34-57 and 2-14 defined.  As the 2 in the 2-14 channel is in the G Center, I would look to the G Center for any further channels defined or hanging gates activated, but I have nothing other than the 2 (in 2-14) there.  In my Spleen, where the 34-57 connects, I also have hanging gates 18, 32, 44, 50.  That is the full extension of activations that have a direction connection to my Sacral, so only these (yet all of them) theoretically have an influence in the response.

Therefore, in the form, I would select channels 2-14 and 34-57, and hanging gates 18, 32, 44, and 50 to get my personal Sacral Response Formula.


This person in the chart below has their Sacral defined by the 34-57 and 34-20 channels.  When looking at the throat where the 20 is, there is also a channel to the G defined, the 1-8, that through the connection of the 20-34 has direct access to the Sacral.  Finally in all of these centers that the channels defined, there are hanging gates of 5, 14, 28, 33, and 35.  Thus in the Sacral Response Activations section, this person would select channels 34-57, 34-20, 1-8, and hanging gates 5, 14, 28, 33, and 35 to get their personal Sacral Response Formula.

Sacral Response Formula Form

Sacral Response Formula Form

Hanging Gates

My personal Sacral Response Formula is:

When I'm in alignment with my design, and something is asked of me where: , and that , then my sacral response will be a "yes".