What is Indigo Eye?

During the course of time between when we entered life here on Earth and developing into adulthood, we have all had experiences where we were given hints, signs, and feelings that there was more to life than the everyday living fed to us. For some of us, it was very early in childhood that we became aware, and for others, it took life-changing traumatic events…but, we have all been given a glimpse one way or another.

I was one who simply “knew” from as early as I can recall. This knowing has led me down a path of desiring to know more about everything - knowledge that I cannot seem to get enough of. Along with that desire of knowledge, I’ve been fascinated with what this “more” was all my life - and I came to know it as spirituality. From souls, to psychic abilities, to enlightenment, there was a sense of familiarity. As I pursued knowledge of all things spiritual, I learned of the seven main chakras. I gravitated to the Third Eye chakra, viewing it as the crossroads of knowledge and awakening to the spiritual side: the perfect representation of my journey. From this - Indigo Eye was born.

Indigo Eye encompasses the insights, awareness and awakening here in this life. It is the gateway to remembering who we are and why we are here. There is more to this life than most live everyday. We are all on a journey, and it is my goal through Indigo Eye to share my awakening and experiences, and help others along their way, too.