The Heart is Home

It didn’t take you very long to see that being your authentic self led to the best life had to offer.  It led to connections that were more than you could have dreamed of, and fulfilling in an unfathomable way.  People who truly cared, who opened up their hearts and met yours.  It also led you to a higher perspective, where you saw that those who fell out of your life weren’t “bad”, but that they are all on their own path as well, trying to find their way...and even though their path doesn’t line up with yours, their authentic selves will lead them in their own right direction.

This wisdom enlightened you to the notion that this alignment with inner being for each person can ultimately bring about the best in everyone.  The more people achieve this, the greater the possibility for others to realize how truly we are all connected.  You feel the divinity in this thought.  You envision this divinity, right here on Earth.

This is love.  Love at its finest.  To be able to recognize that we are all here to expand, to grow, to connect.  When ego is released, spirit is honored, and light energy flows freely from the Universe, this unconditional love transcends human thought and breathes new life into mankind.

You realize that it’s not an easy feat for humans to achieve.  After all, look what you went through to get to this point.  The change was not without pain and contrast.  Was it necessary to go through all that I did, in order to see this?  Couldn’t I have just skipped right to the love and divine light, and spared the pain?  Intuition kicks in again.  You learned what you needed to, when you needed to, and how you needed to.  There are no shortcuts, and there is no destination that is reached without a journey.  Pay attention to the journey, and the focus on the destination will fade without worry.

You realize in this moment, that there may be no better way than to simply lead by example.  Focus on self-love, work from the inside out.  Show the world that you can be the change that you want to see.  Then, as others see your authenticity and your love, they will begin to open up to you, and in turn, to others.  This is the way the world changes for the better.


Speaking Our Truth


Your Personal Power