The Spiritual Awakening

You come into this life with what seems to be a clean slate.  You know nothing about this place, nor the people you see when you open your eyes for the first time.  You inherently trust that those people who take you home, will take care of you.  They tell you that you are theirs, that they love you so much, and that they’ve been waiting for you.  You’re provided a security blanket in the figurative sense, and often in the literal sense.  It eases the curiosity and confusion that initially comes with your arrival here.

As days, weeks, months, and years begin to go by, you learn about “yourself”.  You learn about your family, and their history.  You learn about society.  You begin to find your place here, how you fit into the picture...or so you think.  You accept the conditioning, because you do not know any better, and fall in line with pop culture and modern day majority beliefs.  Maybe a religion is pushed upon you.  Maybe traditions are taught and adopted.  Certainly, a wide array of things are outcast and taboo.  A picture is painted for you, framed and hung, and you accept it as is.  Why wouldn’t you?  It’s what you see, what you’ve been told, and you have no reason to believe otherwise...

However, at some point, something happens to you.  This thing could be something small and simple, like watching animals...or something devastating, like losing a loved one.  When this one initial thing happens, it creates a leak through a crack in the foundation of your life.  It is just enough that you start questioning.  Everything.  Why am I here?  What is this life all about?  How can these rules be right and this action be wrong?  Why do I have to go through this?  Why can’t I have a happy life too?  On and on, the questions flow.  Either you internalize this, or you break open the flood gates completely.

No matter your choice in how you respond to those questions, you start to FEEL that there is more.  You sense that there is a higher purpose, and a higher being.  You start connecting dots when “coincidences” and even “miracles” happen.  There HAS to be more than this daily grind and cycle, you think.  This picture hanging on the wall suddenly doesn’t look so genuine.  It doesn’t feel so real.  Something is not quite right.

Unbeknownst to you, this is the beginning of your awakening.  You might try to ignore the feelings, as you have entered uncharted territory and are grasping at the comfort zone security blanket...but it is undeniable.  Events and signs are appearing in your life, and if you’re oblivious to them, they start to magnify.  A realization sweeps over you: the life you had lived up to that point was a story you were told, rather than a story you wrote.  Now, you’re on the full-fledged hunt to figure out who you really are, and why you are really here.


Earth Angels


Opening the Gateway to Awareness