Gene Keys Golden Path Series - Activation Sequence Purpose
The journey continues along the Pathway of Core Stability, into the Purpose sphere:
Pathway of Core Stability
It is said that the Pathway of Core Stability is about becoming rooted and comfortable in your physical body. I liken it to the acceptance of bringing the divine self into the body in its entirety, so that one can truly live out a purpose.
The Purpose sphere in the Activation Sequence - what deeply fulfills me. My Purpose sphere is the 11.5. Gene Key 11 goes from the Shadow of Obscurity, through the Gift of Idealism, to the Siddhi of Light. The 5th line in this sphere is about voice and frequency.
I certainly spent much of my life in obscurity. When I had already started off life by feeling like I was supposed to be somewhere else, it was a focus on all things outside of me. I think that’s natural as people come into this world, discovering all that this life is about…but all I had to go on INSIDE of me was a deep sense of being lost; so instead of paying attention to my internal feelings, I focused on trying to figure out what was going on externally. This was compounded by a volatile home environment in childhood, to where anticipation and anxiety and stress of what will go on around me became normal. It shouldn’t be this way, I thought. There were times I simply felt forgotten. When my parents would drop my brothers and I off at our grandma’s for the weekend, and it became almost every weekend, I caught on to what was their focus at the time. When I entered a 5k fun run around 6 years old with one of my brothers, and at the shot of the gun to start the race my brother took off leaving me in a sea of strangers, I began to cry and sat down by a tree.
This led to the creation of beliefs about myself, my value and existence, and ironically one of those was that I wasn’t creative. I’d see my mother, brothers, and friends paint and draw with a natural skill, and so I tried to as well - and it just didn’t go well. When I was young, if a blank canvas or white paper was put in front of me and I was prompted to paint or draw something, I couldn’t come up with anything at all. I wondered how it was possible that people did this…to create from seeming scratch, through their mind. Maybe I’m just not meant to be creative either. Every way that I WAS creative, I dismissed it from being creative, as if it wasn’t good enough to be creative. I did that.
My childhood (and to me, what I also carried INTO this life) took me to places in the mind and imagination that questioned everything around me. Why are things the way they are? Why are we “told” not to question anything? What is love? Why do I feel like I’m not supposed to be here? How do we transcend this society? Can we? Is Heaven on Earth possible? When will this happen? I fully realized over time that this questioning and inquiry was taking me on a solitary ride. It drives me away from people in general, onto dirt roads, further into caves and black holes. It is in this inquiry into the depths of my soul, that the observation of society and how it operates begins to be seen for what it is rather than what’s marketed to us. It’s in this idealism that happens inside of me, that I feel connected and lit up. It is crazy to this society when I say that I’m looking for the path that leads to a world void of business, sales, marketing, greed, corruption, money, fame, and status as we all know them. These things for me feel like a distraction that was created by people searching for meaning but not making sense of it, and then attempting to control what they could, and the template gets replicated and followed. I see how so much of this society comes from a focus on things external to us, rather than being driven and guided from the soul within. I know that the change for this starts with self, and that my part is to create a path that only I can, walk it with integrity, and show that it’s possible. Not with an agenda to obtain followers, or status, or fortune, or fame, as none of these things matter to me…but simply because that is what calls from the source inside of ME.
As these ideas birthed in me and the desires that come with them, over time, I began sharing them in conversations and social media posts and writing these blogs. A letting go of how these ideas will be received or perceived, and just expressing them as authentic callings from within. I could FEEL creativity coming through me, and I started to understand creativity in a way that I couldn’t before. The structures I held around what creativity was, were dissolving. Unique, authentic expression is creativity in its purest form, no matter the result of that expression. For me, it then became important to maintain the connection and integrity that provides the unique and authentic expression.
It is through this internal connection that I’ve begun to see what is really “real”. That reality even is shown in dreams. Many dreams I have at night are clearly soul work and astral traveling to me, and are different from amalgated experiences of the day or what is on the mind. When I wake from those dreams, I feel the disparity between this society and the frequency of those experiences. I know that there are layers of maya going on, while at the same time appreciate that those layers are creation as well. Nonetheless for me, it is the calling within and the desire to follow that, that lights me up. It’s not necessarily a specific idea that comes, but rather being open to whatever comes through that brings the rise inside, the shifting into a higher place. The light coming forward.
This light. This light is a symbol of many things. Hope, love, and healing…just to name a small few. In the movie E.T., his chest lights up with a “heart light” when he’s connecting to his mothership and brings plants back to life, and his fingertip lit up as he was able to heal Elliot’s cut. What does E.T. have to do with anything here, though? Great question, and simple answer: It is the connection to God/source that brings this human body to life, and it is the deviation from it that causes pain, suffering, and death of the physical form. It is when we listen to the inner being that we are bringing forth our divinity into this human life, bringing forth our light. It is traveling the Pathway of Core Stability and anchoring here, the ascension into and through the physical. It is, in many cases, when others see a “glow” around you or in your personality as you passionately express yourself on any given thing. This light is metaphorical most of the time, a way to describe the presence of this “energy”, yet I’m one to believe that beyond the physical, this light is very much real in its pure essence. Your light brings HOPE, as proof that climbing out of darkness is possible. Your light brings LOVE, because LOVE is the pure life force energy you are made of. Your light HEALS, because it brings life to places that weren’t LIVING.
According to my hologenetic profile, my Purpose is to Be the Light through the gift of my Idealism. It further states:
“Your purpose on the earth is to empty yourself of all self-interest so a myth incarnates through your life. The mythic life is a journey that crosses many thresholds and takes many hidden twists and turns. If you stop trying to control the flow of events in your life, you will see the great adventure unfolding through you. Every person close to you plays some mythic role that adds to the depth and direction of the dream that is coming into the form. With all this as a basis, you just need to stay attuned to this mythic, archetypal dimension without getting pulled into the details. This does not mean that you do not attend to the details of the real world — you must. But don't let them sap your spirit. Your life is to be like a sculpture created out of your own imagination. It should thrill you that you don't always understand why things happen the way they do. In time, you will see the whole picture, but what really matters is that you feel this great sense of awe that comes from living a life less ordinary.”
In this time and society, I can’t think of anything more mythical than finding a path out of the hamster wheel and above the layers of maya, to live in a higher state IN this incarnation. There’s never been a sense of “ordinary” to my life, and I’ve embraced that going forward, too.