Indigo Eye

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Beyond the Veil

Music is sent from radio station transmitters, through the air in the form of radio waves, 24/7.  Not a single one of our five basic human senses experience the presence of those waves to know the contents.  However, a receiver accepts those waves and outputs the music through speakers, to which our hearing sense then experiences the music.  

We live in a physical world where we have become accustomed to relying on these five basic senses to tell us what exists, and what is “real”.  Music sent over radio waves is one example, of many, that shows that things exist beyond our five senses.  You can’t “tell” in your daily life that the radio waves are there, with music as the payload, but they are.  Even if you don’t “believe” they are there, they are.  You could walk around with the hard belief that because you don’t see/hear/smell/taste/touch them, then they don’t exist...but they do.  

You’re putting yourself in a logical container by limiting your beliefs to what the basic senses detect.  That is your choice, and you are free to think and believe that way.  The radio waves with music in them will not attempt to prove to you that they exist.  They will not bombard you with criticism for not believing in them.  They will simply continue to exist, regardless of your beliefs or thoughts about them.

You can choose to open up to the possibilities of life that expands past the basic senses, or you can choose to limit your experiences to only that which your human body can perceive.

You decide.  

With that foundation laid, I shall go deeper.

If radio waves hold music and exist outside of our basic senses, until something receives them to be translated into something our senses can understand...does that not mean the same can be true for other subjects?  Things such as souls, spirits, ghosts, a higher power, a collective consciousness, other dimensions, aliens, other life forms, angels, etc.?  Having faith and/or belief in something your basic senses cannot comprehend is not beyond the realm of “real”, is not beyond the realm of existence.

It is when we open to the beyond, the more, that we can create what is unknown currently.  We can bring energy that exists all around us into new forms, and cultivate new experiences, a new life.

I’ll now apply this to current events: What we see and hear online, on TV, in the news, from governments and not all that exists.  There is not an “either/or”.  In the U.S., you do not have to be either a Democrat or Republican.  You do not have to identify as either a Christian, Catholic, or one of the other denominations of religion.  Even though these containers were developed to organize and align with certain ideas, does not mean that they are all there is.  You do not have to exist as a consumer from the selection of “what is”.  You have the right (because you are here, in this life, existing), and the ability, to create something new that aligns with your thoughts, desires, preferences.  The best part is that you can do this all while staying centered in love, the driving force of existence.  You can choose to express your uniqueness and also respect others in their uniqueness, sharing the common bond that you are both of the same origin, yet here to have new experiences that will differ from others.  You have that option, because you are here.

No human controls your access to energy.  The only person that cuts you off from any of it, is yourself.  There is no physical container that separates you from being able to create something new from energy.  Every man-made physical material, building, tool, vehicle, and on, was created from energy first, with free access to that energy by those who were open to it, and were inspired to do so.

If you paid attention to the music example above, you’ll note that a receiver was needed to take that invisible, undetected energy and accept it to be able to turn it into something that the human body can understand and experience.  

Ask, believe, receive.  You do so much asking of the Universe/God/Source/your choice of higher power for things in life.  It has been laid out to you that it exists, even if your senses don’t see it.  You will need to put faith into that notion, and believe it exists, is real, and is yours.  If you do not believe, you are creating resistance that pushes it away, much like not using a radio because you don’t believe in invisible waves being able to play music.  Remember, it will exist whether you believe or not, but your belief will open the door to the possibility of it being part of your experiences in this life.  Once you get the belief in its existence aligned, you have to receive.  Will you allow it in, or will you resist?  Will it be blocked by beliefs that it doesn’t exist?  Will it get past that but then run into doubts of being good enough for it, or ready for it?

Do you really want it?  Do you really want a new life?  Something more, something better, something evolving?  Are you willing to walk the path of the unknown, in order to experience the unknown and bring it into physical existence?