Indigo Eye

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Searching for Souls

I asked my son Jasper if he wanted to contribute to my blogs by picking the title for the next one.  He said, “Sure!  Let’s call it... *pauses for thought* ...’Searching for Souls.’”  I was delighted AND impressed!  I asked what the topic of the blog would be about, and he said “trying to use psychic powers to speak to spirits and locate them.”  I’m thinking that he might become a co-writer in the not so distant future.

Throughout our lives, we go through experiences where loved ones pass away.  Often times, we aren’t ready to let go, and aren’t sure how to navigate life without them.  Other times, we would really like to just talk to them again, or hug them, or enjoy a sports game together one more time.  We find ourselves getting overwhelmed with life, and looking for the wisdom of those who previously imparted it upon us before making their exit back into the non-physical.

I myself struggled for a long time with the notion that I couldn’t seem to communicate with people I loved that had passed away.  I couldn’t see them or hear them.  Why is it that many people seem to be able to see their deceased grandmother nearby and I don’t?  How do they hear their voices and I can’t?  Do my loved ones not want to communicate?  Is it because I am not in true NEED for them to be present?  I felt like I had such a block from something I’ve always believed in and always felt connected to: the non-physical, spiritual form.

Along my journey, I began taking psychic development courses from a great teacher, friend, and mentor named Tish.  I am a firm believer that we are all capable of psychic abilities, and that it is a matter of opening ourselves I turned to the guidance of Tish to explore the areas that I may be blocked from experiencing these souls in the ways that I was searching for. It didn’t take longer than the first development class for me to understand what was going on.

When it comes to psychic abilities, there are what are called the “Clairs”.  These are psychic senses, extending beyond the normal five senses we are used to (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching).  At a high level, some of the more well-known Clairs are:

Clairvoyance - clear seeing
Clairaudience - clear hearing
Clairsentience - clear feeling
Claircognizance - clear knowing

My strengths lie in clairsentience and claircognizance, as I can intuitively feel and “just know” things from an energetic and spiritual perspective.  However, I felt like I was not good at seeing or hearing on the same level.

Tish referred to the simple idea that if you could picture a red apple sitting on a table in your mind, then you can “see” - clairvoyance.  From there, I quickly started realizing all the other times I randomly saw images in my mind that I had simply chalked up to imagination, but in a whole new light.

While on that memory trip, I was also taken back to several times where I would hear a voice that went from low volume to high volume (as if it was traveling by and then stopped)...yelling my name, and I would jump up in bed startled awake.  Clairaudience.  Yes, it seemed to happen when I’m sleeping, but also when I wasn’t trying or forcing it.

What Tish eluded to with each ability, and what was simultaneously unfolding for me, was realizing that I had been picking up on energies of souls all along, but that I had misled myself based upon expectations of what it was “supposed to be like”.  Because I EXPECTED that I would see them like an exact holograph of what I knew them as every time, or hear their voices as clear as a phone call, I felt like I wasn’t able to communicate with them in those avenues.  Much like the discussion of being in the flow of the universe, when we open up to what we are receiving instead of trying to force what we expect, we allow the things we desire. As a matter of fact, during a development session later on, I was able to see my grandmother and father come forward and give me a hug, visually looking as I remember them.

When we utilize the gifts we are all given and let go of any resistance impeding us, we all have the ability to communicate with souls.  We don’t even have to go searching for them.  They come to us, and they are always around.  They have been for as long as we have existed, and they communicate in many different forms.  From visits by cardinals and blue jays in our yards, to certain songs playing on the radio, to signs we pass on the streets, we communicate with souls.  We are being guided, and we can even help guide them when needed.  We are protected, and we can feel the love.

But, what if we want to search for souls?  What if we want to communicate with specific souls?  We apply some universal laws.  We create the thought (intention) to communicate with specific souls, align that thought with the feeling/emotion that communicating to those souls would give us (vibration), and clear any resistance to allowing it to come.  Ask and it is given.  We will start to see the signs, begin to have the visits, and hear the songs we wanted to hear.  We may even see the faces in our mind, or hear the voices we remember.  We will sense the presences, and we will just know that they are with us.

Once we are aware of this, we can begin to use this to help other souls.  Some souls are trapped in between, looking for resolution to issues.  Others are resistant to leaving this plane of existence.  We have the ability to shine our light and share it.  We can let them know that they are loved, that things are taken care of, and that it is time to move on.  It’s time to flow with the universe.

Deeper.  Closer.  Present.  We can help souls that are still here in physical form!

What if we all opened up to our true selves?  What if we allowed our light to spread, to help troubled souls walking this Earth today, even one at a time?  To let them know that they are loved, that things will be taken care of, and it is time to flow with the universe?